What Speculative Metal is?
What Speculative Metal is ? In the text that summarizes much of the nomenclature related to Speculative Metal, the "Noctis Nebula Glossarium", a varied terminology is established: "Speculative Metal is: - textural, - traumatic and unchained, - metastructural, - psychedelic, - rhizomatic, transversal and heterogeneous, - non-Euclidean and anti-canonical, - hyperchaotic, desiring and schizophrenic..." Let us develop the ideas presented by Relgneps Razalas in his work "Metallorum mutatio: Corpus theoreticum", chapter 3, "Time and fate; Space and causality": "Speculative Metal (what-will-be) is a response to Spectral Metal (what-was). Speculative Metal appears to shake the established, to destroy homogeneity, to put an end to the copying of ideas, to the radical lack of originality of Spectral Metal. Spectral Metal repeats ideas (riffs, compositional patterns, production styles, concepts, aesthetics...) already established in the classic per...