
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2024

REVERORUM IB MALACHT - The Holy Grail of Speculative Metal

Reverorum ib Malacht is one of the bands that is taking extreme metal to unexplored territories due to the extreme experimentation to which they subject all the elements that make up their music. They are a perfect definition of what Speculative Metal is. All the sound parameters of his compositions are approached from a new perspective by applying Salazar's Law so that "an entirely new sound world" emerges (Salazar, "Fundamental concepts in the history of music", 2004:210).  https://speculativemetal.blogspot.com/2024/04/salazars-law-2.html Reverorum ib Malacht delves into unknown regions within the genre where each parameter is subjected to limitless experimentation : - The guitar riffs that are the basis of any metal band are absent in a good part of their compositions or their role is secondary, ceding the main role to the drums and the textures and atmospheres. When the guitars have more prominence, they are usually focused as samplers, as textures, with